My 14-Day Private Pilot Training

Andy is a great aviator, a great flight instructor and overall mentor. He’s very professional, has a wealth of experience as a pilot and teacher and is able to relay the concepts and the actual act of flying an airplane masterfully in the short amount of time given in this program. A teacher like Andy is essential to completing these two weeks successfully and he prepped me well and provided a good foundation for my flight training to come. While always on the task, concentrated and thorough, he’s always up for a joke or a story from his own experiences as a commercial pilot.

He understand the student’s needs, adds encouragement or constructive criticism when needed and always does so with respect and in a calm manner. I was also able to meet Andy’s family and was grateful to receive a very valuable lesson from his wife, an air traffic controller. I overall felt in really good hands and was looking forward to each and every day!”

It was a great experience and Andy’s voice and instructions will stay with me for the times to come. “More right rudder! Yes, that feels better!”

Thank you also for your quick responses and setting everything up for me with Andy. I appreciated your quick replies and having everything being arranged for me!


Daniel Kraffczyk