14-Day Private Pilot Training


Thank you for delivering on the promise of accelerated flight instruction. The 14 Day Private Pilot course provided me exactly what I needed to get my private pilot license. The guidance on how and what to study for the written exam along with the concise reading list and curriculum helped me arrive prepared to focus on the flying.

With no experience flying a Cessna 172 and just a few hours of introductory flight lessons over the past 20 years, I was stunned how quickly my instructor, Ruben, was able to transform me from lifelong aviation enthusiast to pilot. He not only helped me develop the skills to fly quickly but also the confidence to believe that I could safely solo after only 20 hours of flight and go on to earn my private pilot certificate.

While I returned home fulfilled in a very meaningful way, in a way I am still left wanting though. The feeling of community I felt with the team at AFIT and the whole KLHM community is something I already miss and will always remember. Frankly, the genuine interest in and support for my 14-day mission was clear from the start. Looking back, that part of my experience with AFIT was instructional too.

As I join the community at my home airport as a certificated pilot, I now know well how I can support those who are beginning this journey. Thanks to the team in Lincoln, CA for charting this clear path forward for me. My future as an aviator and responsible member of the general aviation community will forever benefit from this early guidance.

With that said, please know you can count me as another satisfied and grateful customer of Accelerated Flight and Instrument Training. If I can ever help a potential student better understand why to choose AFIT, please feel free to give them my contact information below.

Thanks again, Tony.


Jay Vincent
AFIT Graduate & Alumni
Chicago, IL 60618